Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rite Aid Republican

“Don't swear.  And 'by God' make sure you do the right thing and vote Republican this year."
"Really? Republican?"  I said smirking with amusement.

But that's not where it started. Earlier at checkout we had a prior exchange.
"That's right!" the seeming republican says, "The CEO's sit at the bank and get paid enough for all of us!!  This poor guy can't hardly afford his 2 beers I bet!!  And they make that money to just sit there and do mostly nothing!! "The 66 year old-ish republican campaigner, haunting the Rite Aid checkout and the poor clerk paid to stand there and be subjected to him, says to me this evening as i arrived at checkout.  Stepping aside from the clerk for me as he said it, harboring his unopened bag of 'Munchos' he was no doubt 'deciding' whether or not to purchase.  Rite Aid won't kick you out if it appears you might buy some chips there.  Don’t let the door to door religious people find that out ok?

But this wasn't the beginning either. When I walked into the Rite Aid initially that evening for a couple cold and cheap beers, he was there in the doorway, piping away like a boiling teakettle.  In passing as I entered, minus a look but with a quick gesture of his hand, he paused his 'obviously delightful' story, "Stick around, you don’t want to miss this, it's good."  He delivered it in mid sentence, all without skipping a beat, he expertly popped it out like a midway vendor at the state fair, and went right back to his story.  He cued it up just for me. Right? I never doubted for a pico-second that it was for me and everyone else that walked through those doors for this seasoned performer.   I didn’t stop.  I didn’t even pause or consider stopping.  The only thought I paid him was negligible, barely living at the back of my mind for the least measurable, smallest amount of time.  Hardly worthy of note to my consciousness as the sound of his continued bombarding of the other customers faded away from the ever nearing beer cooler.  It was a wordless awareness of a state of feelings about this salesman type guy.  It was sort of like, "I hope/wonder/desire if he/him/guy gone when i go back/am done/checkout"  Just a flicker of an awareness of the things that spawn actual thoughts dwelling only for the briefest moment at the edge of not being able to give any less of a shit about the situation one way or the other.

“Don't swear.  And 'by God' make sure you do the right thing and Vote Republican this year." Exactly 3 sentences prior to this, and it’s hard to ignore him when he insists on speaking directly to you,  "That's right the CEO's sit at the bank and get paid enough for all of us!!  This poor guy can't hardly afford his 2 beers I bet!!  And they make that money to just sit there and do mostly nothing!! "

 "Yeah in Japan CEO's only make about a maximum of ten times the median wage."  I could tell at that point that I had lost the old huff and puff somewhere between 'Japan' and 'median wage'.  So in an attempt to bring it back to his level I wrapped it up with a name always applicable when describing the ever widening canyon between median wage earners and CEO’s.  "Not like here where the top CEO’s make 400 times the median wage, OR MORE.  Assholes." 

“Don't swear.  And 'by God' make sure you do the right thing and Vote Republican this year."

I kept checking out, handing the cashier my money.  "That's very Republican of you to tell me how I can acceptably talk and then asking for my vote.  I think I might have to vote for Obama.  Again"

You have to love the infinite Republican morality when he is completely comfortable appealing to me now, telling me "I made the mistake and voted for Obama the first time too, but it's OK, no one is perfect. We won't EVER make that mistake again."  'Vote Republican this time and all is forgiven' basically. 

Exiting the first set of double doors I saw him setting his Munchos down to follow me. It was just something you could see in his stance and his demeanor.  I turned away to have him follow and put my fist up and shouted smiling, “GOP!”  as he followed me out to the parking lot.  I looked back as he was exiting the last set of auto doors, just after I said it, my fist still raised, my face still smiling.  He was beaming.  Giddy almost.  He parroted my cry, "GOP!" raising his fist over his head like mine, with a slight bend in his arm, just like mine.  Still smiling I said the next three words questioningly with a ‘Is this right?’ manner etched on my face, straightening the bend out of my arm for emphasis on each one.   

“Greed?  Oppression?  Poverty?”  Thinking back on it I think he may have parroted “Greed” and the first part of “Oppression” before he realized where exactly it was that I had taken him.   His good mood faded like water down a once clogged drain that had just been snaked.  He mumbled a couple unintelligible things as he got in his car.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Barry it with Viagra please

It's funny how people can just "Get behind this." I wonder what it is referencing specifically? 
 Compared to the day he got the country I am very unsure as to the amount of "screwing" of it that has taken place. I remember being a full time college student with a baby that showed up 2 months after he took office. And i remember being on foodstamps then since we were so poor, and how they went up 200$ right after Obama took office. And how Gas dropped 2.50$ a gallon then from over 4$ a gallon to around 1.60$ a gallon.  And I remember how much less fighting took place at my house after the noose of bills lessened that little bit to let us breathe finally. I remember Obamacare guaranteeing that people can't be ejected from their healthcare plan once they contract an actual disease or run into an actual condition. I remember realizing what a gunshot wound that must have been in the side of "For profit" insurance companies. There would be no more collecting 300$ or 400$ or more dollars a month from people only to make them pay their own deductibles when problems arose only to search for an ejection clause in their coverage if they contracted an expensive long term condition such as cancer.

If you've been fucking us Mr. Obama, please, by all means, pop a viagra and keep on going man. It feels great. 

Friday, April 13, 2012


I went on a social networking research rampage tonight in response to the news that Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook support the new SOPA bill clone CISPA.  First I went and researched what viable sites might be worth checking out as facebook alternatives.  You know, there needs to be a newsfeed going based on your interests and when your friends say stuff in the newsfeed you generally give a shit,that’s why they are there after all and not blocked, and you hope they give a shit about things you say; and don’t block you.  If you deeply agree with some friends you barely knew that added you on facebook after a night at the bar on all manner of things like, for example,  how awesome sarcastic E-cards are; or Occupy Wall St. love it or hate it, or whether Brock Lesnar sucked or had talent in the UFC; then all of a sudden you have met your new news feed soulmate and entered personal satisfaction Nirvana; at least for the next 5 minutes until you go play "Words with Friends" or "Bubble Witch".  You know; FACEBOOK.
So in an effort to see if there were other places where this magic could take place I joined Bebo, Badoo, Google plus, and checked out the current state of Myspace.  These were the ones that the Wikipedia article on “Social networking sites” said should be close matches.  Bebo is apparently a dead and dying old myspace style site.  I had never even heard of it before checking out the link I posted.  So I immediately went and joined up and checked things out.  They suck balls. It’s pretty terrible.  There is no easy way to find any friends.  Every profile, NO JOKE, ALL OF THEM, listed peoples most recent activity and that activity was from 2009.  EVERY PROFILE I LOOKED AT.  It was kind of like looking at a death date on a headstone in a graveyard your car broke down next to. 
Badoo is listed as a "General" networking site, but it is definitely a dating site.  It is CRAZY EASY to get a profile up on Badoo though.  You single?  Get your ass on over to Badoo.  The site is cool, the interface is slick, and you won’t be single that long if you are at least both fishing for dates there and not clinically insane.  Don’t get me wrong, plenty of you single motherfuckers are def clinically insane so let’s just pretend you’re not and focus on making some sacrifices and hooking up eh?  Rofl.   At the Badoo site nearly every time you click on anything the site prompts you to put in pics.  And the pics can come from facebook.  THAT’S HUGE.  Google+ doesn’t even do that.  Too bad these geniuses don't run a more "Hang out with friends" kind of place like Facebook or Myspace.  They could run the show.
Myspace was a surprising journey tonight.  Justin Timberlake bought it awhile back, not too long ago, and there have definitely been a wide variety of changes.  The news feed looks just like Facebook now, and you will remember that is what this journey into social networking started off as.  The search for a Facebook replacement.  So now Myspace has a very Facebook like interface and design, while at the same time, allowing you to set up your info page like you always did before.  I think if they made you use your real name, they would be a very legitimate option.  It’s too bad they fail to have anywhere near the game attractiveness of Facebook or Google.  It’s also a shame they can’t relaunch under a new site name and allow existing myspace users to log in with their old myspace credentials.  SPACEBOOK!  I think that is realistically all they would need.  Oh and maybe a juggernaut like ABC and DISNEY pushing their name in nearly every hosted show like they do for Facebook.  Timberlake might have some dough but he doesn’t have that kind of swagger to through around.   He does have a great deal of pull with NBC due to his SNL fame though.  Maybe they could work something out.   
The king daddy option of the night however was Google+.  Google has Facebooks number.   And they are Google.  They have free books, and free games, and they offer some of the best perks in the world as an employer.  They stand up to governments when Governments get annoyed with wikileaks and want to ransack internet users information.  GOOGLE IS GOOD PEOPLE is what I am getting at.  They have respect for individual rights, and a brilliant vision for the future of mankind.  Oh and yeah, they have Zynga games.  And blogging.  And photos.  And newsfeeds for your friends.  And their user group interface where you can just shuffle people in and out of different news feeds… left me speechless.   I am definitely happy Zuckerberg put himself forward as a supporter of castrating the internet tonight; if he hadn’t I wouldn’t have done this research and discovered how good Google+ was finally.  Jesus, wtf was I waiting for?  I guess I was just another satisfied Facebook sheep.
The bottom line tonight is that I left out a lot of sites like Reddit, and Gawker, and LinkedIn, and Pinterest because  I wanted a “Facebook” style site that was about 90% EXACTLY like what we all love about Facebook.  Myspace has some of the games we know from facebook, but not a lot of them.  Honestly Myspace has really kind of transformed into a very facebook style place as of late though and are worth a login to your old account at the least.   Myspace still rocks Facebook’s face as far as being able to have music on your profile, and lets not forget that there is a “Forgot Password” button on their login page.  Facebook’s real competition that I found though tonight is Google+.  Google+ has Facebooks number.  IT HAS FACEBOOK’S FACE SON!  Google+ has all the games, maybe not the exact games, but the Google+ version of the same Facebook games from the same publisher, Zynga, and a slick android marketplace interface for your droid phone to get those games and apps too.  If you are rockin a droid phone, you really ought to be on Google+.  Hell, if you support keeping the internet the way it is you should be on Google+.  See you around ;)

Friday, April 6, 2012

The socialism of "Drill Baby Drill"

As I recall, gas hit 1.60$ a gallon for quite some time after Obama took office.  He did release oil from the reserves, and did get us a couple years of relief from the prices we are again suffering.

But you know what is actually really funny about a US government triggered market control of something like the price of oil?  It's socialist.  The "drill baby drill" idea is in fact a socialist idea.  Whether they know it or not, the same people crying about big government and health care reform, are the same people crying for socialism in things like "drill baby drill".

Here's a general letter from America, about oil;
"Dear US government, please release cheap oil into the market from your federal oil reserves in order to drive down the price of oil, especially the price of gas at the pump.

Everyone, including and especially Fox news fans, and the greedy, objectivist, narrow-sighted Ayn Rand mother***kers that constantly cry about big government and socialism."

The "Drill baby drill" concept is a socialist concept that wants for the US to mass ration cheap oil availability into the market and thereby reduce the cost of gas. It's that simple.

It's kind of like my last boss. He would cry about big government and then tell me not to worry about work being slow because I could just claim unemployment. HOW IRONIC. He claimed 2 days unemployment every other week himself. Whah boo hoo da gubberment is evul, oh btw I'm cool with unemployment insurance benefits.

So what do you want? You want a safety net or not? You want to admit some forms of socialism are actually desirable?  Or would you rather continue to live in a fantasy world where you never actually have a valid opinion because your opinion is more all over the place and flip floppy than Mitt Romney's voting record? 

Anyway, here is the candidates stances on energy policy.

And here is the link to the "Socialism" article on wikipedia.

Have a great Easter and I hope you find many so many eggs, YOU WIN.  :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Don't believe the Stereo-hype

Recently I posted on a Facebook thread about this picture.  The OP said, “When will the stereotypes end?”  In response someone else then stereotyped “The Left” as people who stereotype Tea Party Conservatives as the different types of people that MSM regularly stereotypes Tea Party Conservatives as.    So I responded;
I stereotype tea party members and conservatives as fervent supporters of, and targets for, Cato institute style libertarian economic propaganda that has a very serious history of recent failure. They mean well, they want less "BIG" control in their life, less government, more personal freedom. All of which are well justified desires IMO. I think that's a pretty fair description of the Tea party and most conservatives. Not everything is a stereotype. Some things are definitions.

                At which point I got this response from a good friend and fellow musician who I have played with many times;
                “Kelly I'm trying to figure out what "Cato institute style libertarian economic propaganda" failure that you are talking about the last time that taxes were lowered and we had less government spending was the Clinton admin. and the only reason we had a so called golden age then was because the house and the senate were controlled by republicans. alot of people like to say it was because clinton raised taxes but the tax revinue he raised only accounted for 12% of the income the rest was from spending cuts. if you are refering to bush i would have to disagree with you there because bush was a dem with a republican label he did the same thing that obama is doing more goverment spending wich to me means BIG goverment so as far as i can see the only failure in the last 20 years has been the opposite of "Cato institute style libertarian economic propaganda"
Like most deeply philosophical political and economic opinions, there was really no easy reply for my friend if I wanted to actually address his opinion.  We’re pretty good friends, so I went ahead and did just that.  I agree to a degree with his opinions, and I disagree with them to a degree. 

The following is a point by point redress of my friends original statements to me.  Like I said, We’re pretty good friends, I figured I would take the time for him.  I usually have respect for his opinions even if I disagree with them sometimes.  Sometimes I think his opinions are completely ridiculous, but I keep it friendly and civil in these circumstances.  I specifically cut out, deleted, edited, and rewrote anywhere I thought I was coming off as a biased asshole.  WOW, THIS HAS TAKEN ALL DAY.   It’s a lot harder for me to not come off as an asshole than I thought!

“Kelly I'm trying to figure out what "Cato institute style libertarian economic propaganda" failure that you are talking about.”  Reagan introduced these concepts to America and they were practiced by 3 out of the 4 presidents from 1980 to 2008. (#Supply, #Trickle )  Also during the majority of the period I stated, Alan Greenspan practiced very libertarian economic policies.  He was listed by Time Magazine as 3rd most responsible on a list of 25 people responsible for setting us up for the  housing market bubble crash.  (#Greenspan01)

“The last time that taxes were lowered and we had less government spending  was the Clinton administration.”  True, the US had much lower government spending during the years of the Clinton Administration, especially at the very end of his term.  ( #Spending01)   

“The only reason we had a so called golden age then was because the house and the senate were controlled by Republicans.”  They were in the majority then, you’re right.  I guess this explains the Golden age of 2003 to 2007 with Republican controlled everything. (#Senate01, #Congress01)  

“A lot of people like to say it was because Clinton raised taxes but the tax revenue he raised only accounted for 12% of the income the rest was from spending cuts.”  I am at a loss here as to how you are saying that spending cuts are income.   Spending cuts are spending that doesn’t happen.  They aren’t income, it’s a null state.

I consider this kind of talk about who gets “the credit for the awesome” to be out of bounds.  We get nowhere at all when we fall into the trap of taking sides on these issues as if it’s Sunday Football instead of our Government that we are discussing. People feel empowered to say:
“Everything was awesome because, MY SIDE.  MY SIDE WINS.” 
Well, no.  There’s not really any legitimacy to these types of claims.  They are a point of division.  Let’s just set aside the divisions.  No matter how much hot air we want to huff and puff about how big our side’s dick is, that behavior doesn’t get us anywhere.  I think we can all agree that there are massive changes that need to be made and that there is an established feeling nationwide that our 200 year old fail parade of a Government model isn’t adequate to regulate itself and fix these pressing issues at this point. 

“If you are referring to Bush I, i would have to disagree with you there because Bush I was a dem with a republican label.”  Bush 1 was about as far from being a Dem with a Republican label as it gets, but this whole point is ridiculous to debate.  Obama is basically a Republican in my eyes.  They are both Redempublicraticans (Re-dem-pub-li-crat-i-cans)  the lot of them IMO.  Like I just wrote,  statements like this are unresolvable opinions, that cannot be accurately determined one way or the other, that only serve as points of contention and division.  This stuff is the whip on the back of modern economic debt slavery.

“He did the same thing that Obama is doing, more government spending.  Which to me means BIG government.  So as far as i can see, the only failure in the last 20 years has been the opposite of "Cato institute style libertarian economic propaganda".   I did indeed address this at the outset.  I will credit Obama in this sense though, to break a recession we need spending.  This is no time for Austerity.  that time was in 2008 when the majority of Americans said, SAY NO TO THE BAILOUT!  Big Gov was needed to come to the rescue the last time the 1% screwed the public via Wall St and the man at the helm then, FDR, was elected a record 3 times. (#FDR)  THAT is a majority win.  Here is an excerpt from the Wikipedia article:
                “The New Deal was a series of economic programs implemented in the United States between 1933 and 1936. They were passed by the U.S. Congress during the first term of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The programs were responses to the Great Depression, and focused on what historians call the "3 Rs": Relief, Recovery, and Reform. That is, Relief for the unemployed and poor; Recovery of the economy to normal levels; and Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression.” (#NewDeal)
           Some research done by researchers at UCLA does seem to indicate however that the impact of the depression was actually drawn out in length due to the New Deal.  It did in fact serve to initially soften the impact, but then caused the effects to be persistent longer than they should have been.  I would suggest a good hard look at both accounts. (#Rawdeal?)

Honestly I see most of this focus on these topics as a result the 1%’s constant media manipulation campaign we call “Main Stream Media, or MSM.”   I’m watching them yell down to us,  “Look here 99%!  Look at this, MSM is showering you with talking points and philosophical differences  you can traditionally be easily divided on!  Racism! 2 party politics! Religious differences!!  Divide Sheeple! Divide! Please! For the love of unchecked wealth building, and my next 17 Bentleys this year, and my 15 movie- plexes I was going to build full of shitty worthless jobs, DIVI-HI-HI-HI-HIDE-Uh… :falls to  knees, Shakes fists at sky:  “Whyyy- hi- hi hi hi…” :sobbing trails off and transitions to head inhands, still on knees: “Why are they Unite-ing? WHY!?!?! :Face up. Fists at sky again. RAGE emphasis on “why”:

I see libertarian economic practices as tools of the Rich to take advantage of people that care, but work too much to have the time and desire to do any real research into it.  It’s pretty easy to just turn on the radio in the car or kitchen and hear extremely Right wing conservative propaganda from Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Savage, etc any time you’re in the car or doing dishes and feel like you are developing a well informed and caring political opinion.  But that’s not the fact, it’s not that easy.  I used to listen to Limbaugh, and Beck, and Savage, regularly.  And then I learned about fact checking and how to find proper grounds for unbiased opinion.  These guys are just opinion salesman trying to maintain their radio-share.  The political opinions you get today from op ed shows and call in programs on TV and radio are fan targeted call screened bullshit.  Very rarely do you get any real facts free of bias or any honest and fair discussion.   I still listen to them once in a while when I feel like threatening myself with a coronary heart attack.  The hatred and the vitriol these clowns spew doesn’t help anyone.  I end up screaming back at the radio more often than not.   I know it can’t hear me, but I can’t just sit there and listen to some of the bold lies these fuckers spit out.  It’s genuinely disturbing.  Not even entertaining if you fall into one of the categories of their targeted hate rants, but genuinely disturbing.

We need government to a much greater degree than Libertarian economics would ever admit in order to break up monopolies, and level the playing field between unchecked corporate greed and human rights.  I hate big government as much as the next guy, but a world where the tea-party movement is successful is a government that does nothing for the people, still is at war on multiple fronts, and still regulates the airwaves, medicine, and food.  Yup, you still get all the shit you hate about big G, but guess what?  None of the help that most countries consider basic Human rights and most of which FDR put  INTO A 2nd BILL OF RIGHTS. (#2nd US Bill of Rights)  This is what I commonly refer to as “Libertarian Rainbow Wonderland”.  Where we would all obviously be skipping across the sky on freedom rainbows that shoot directly out of Ron Paul and American’s for Prosperity’s asses with how great everything will be.   

No one other than the very rich who can move a business outside of Labor expensive USA and people who don’t understand free trade want a truly unregulated free trade market.  Ask yourself,  Do you want to CONTINUE to compete with Communist Chinese Labor?  They pay 50$ per 50-60 hour work week.   Unregulated free trade would put us in direct competition with China. (#ChineseMinWage)  Kind of like NAFTA put us in direct competition with Canada and Mexico. (#MexicanMinWage)   Go look at the Canadian Dollar.  It was ALWAYS worth 70 to 75 cents on the US dollar my whole childhood.  It’s not anymore.  It equalized.   Now it’s worth a US Dollar. 

We NEED regulation of the market to keep jobs here.  And all we have done for the last 30 years is deregulate.  These are the libertarian practices I’m talking about.  Jobs leaving the US doesn’t have shit to do with the tax burden on an industry in a given country, it has to do with competing with cheaper, shittier paid laborers, with less workers rights to worry about; for example, communist Chinese and Mexican labor.

#MexicanMinWage,   2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence.
#Greenspan01,   1st paragraph, 3rd sentence.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We doana needa no stinkin rules!! Drink Koch.

     The Koch brothers, Charles and David, are currently tied for the title 18th richest person in the world (#A).  These 2 are THE guys behind Americans For Prosperity.  If you see an ad on TV that says, “PAID   FOR   BY   AMERICANS   FOR   PROSPERITY”, it was paid for by these 2 guys and people they explicitly talked into donating to their cause.  These 2 Americans are heavily involved with Tea Party funding.  For example the union busting Wisconsin tea Party movement was heavily targeted by the efforts of Americans for Prosperity (#D).  Are they out campaigning for their own prosperity? 
     Why are these 2 guys so interested in a libertarian, unregulated, and union-less free market capitalism?  What would they do if this happened?  What kind of activities could we expect from them?  Well maybe we could look at their current activity you say?  That idea is simply delightful!  The November edition of Bloomberg magazine has done just that (#B, #C).   It looks like these guys want the laws gone so they can break them unconditionally.  
      Some of the things The Koch’s have done include and are probably not limited to; bribing foreign governments (illegal), price fixing (illegal), Trading with Iran (illegal).  (#C)  These are the things they would like to be able to do more freely in a more libertarian and unregulated USA, and they are buying your Tea-Party movement to get it done.
Here are some places to look if you are unfamiliar with the 2 greatest funders and influencers of todays libertarian tea party movement.  I encourage you wholeheartedly to go check out the Bloomberg report links #B and #C.  The #B link is a video, the #C link is the whole story. 

Additonally, there is a great TYT story based on this bloomberg report.